Saturday, July 17, 2010

GOD has been revealing so many things to me during this trip so far. Without fail, every day I learn something new about His character, His word, His truth. What astounds me, still, however, are the ways in which He chooses to teach me. Spencer gives a message that has become known as the ‘take up your cross’ talk to every group upon their arrival in Costa Rica. He follows Jesus’s example in Luke 9 to explain that in order to completely devote your life to living for Christ, one must be willing to be uncomfortable, inconvenienced, and unpopular. Ultimately, Christ commands: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his self?” (Luke 9:23-25) Everyone is encouraged to take a literal wooden cross necklace as a constant reminder of our own crosses that we must bear each and every day that we live for Christ. Because Spencer shares this incredibly powerful message with every group, last night was the sixth time I had heard it, and the third time in the past two and a half weeks. What was so amazing, though, was how entirely new GOD made it for me. All of yesterday Rachel and I had been discussing something that was on our hearts and Spencer’s message spoke directly into that. Even though I had already heard those very words a week ago it was so pertinent to what was going on inside of me at that very moment that it just clicked. Rachel and I both turned to each other in the middle of the sermon just grinning—giving each other the ‘wow GOD is awesome’ look.
I had the opportunity earlier today to spend some time talking with a “huffer” named Rigo who frequents the streets of Alajuelita. Rigo soaks rags, gloves, anything with absorbent properties, in paint thinner to inhale the toxic fumes and live virtually on a perpetual high. While most of his conversations are quite humorous sadly due to his addiction, today I saw a glimmer of his true heart and the tragedy of his situation. It began, after I gave up convincing him that I do not have black eyes or blue hair, when he asked me if I believed in GOD; I couldn’t have asked for a more direct opening. When I responded he asked me to specify which god I believed in. When I began explaining that there is only one true GOD and only one true way through GOD’s son Jesus Christ because he already died to save our sinful world Rigo began to shake his head. “No,” he said, “You don’t understand. I am an addict.” He pulls out his old identification cards that he still carries in his wallet to show me the physical changes that have occurred since his addiction. “This is my life,” he opens his hand to show me the soaked cloth, “This is my passion.” This time I shake my head. “No. GOD is so powerful that he can save anyone. It isn’t too late.” As I prayed for him I just cried out for GOD to give him supernatural measures of strength to turn his life around, to throw away the rag and never go back to it. I prayed that he would know how much Jesus loved him and that he could truly accept the Jesus already died in order to forgive. Although he left with the rag in his hand, he also left with tears in his eyes. Even though he returned joking and insisting that he has green eyes and all of the gringos (Americans) have black eyes I pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work in his heart. I would love it if you would like to join me in praying for Rigo. I will let you know how he is doing the next time I see him. GOD BLESS.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I just read this after talking with you last night... I'm so glad I can get e-mail updates now! :)
    WIll definitely be praying for Rigo... that is awesome!!!
